
The TJ1600 is a top-of-the-line optical transport platform that consolidates multiple layers of networking functions and addresses a wide variety of network applications with the fewest possible nodes. The same platform supports wireless backhaul, data center connectivity, enterprise services, router bypass, and wholesale services. With DWDM as an option for all high speed interfaces, the TJ1600 can optimize fiber utilization using the latest technology for reliable transport in metro, regional and long haul networks. TJ1600 is a converged optical transport network (OTN) switching and optical transport system with multiple options in terms of size, power utilization, and switching capacity allowing for cost optimization based on a particular application. This flexibility creates network designs that allow every service to be optimized based upon the service requirements, not the limitations of a particular transport technology. Tejas' Software-defined hardware allows for easy upgrades through software for features that may require hardware upgrades for other vendor's products.


From Access to long haul

Versatile mix of services from DS1/E1, 10GE etc to OTUn

900G OTN cross connect

Packet, OTN, DWDM solutions in the same platform

96 Channels DWDM

Extended C-Band Support

Optimize bandwidth use with efficient sub-wavelength traffic grooming


L1 Encryption
10G - 600G per wave

Unified Service Delivery


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